Thursday, September 24, 2009

fortune cookies....

here i am again... been buzy lately... puasa over now... raya is in session but i'm excluding myself from dis event... why u may ask??? cause i got finals coming... dats rite folks, freaking finals!!!!! argh!!!! im barely prepared here, wateva i did studied goes in and out of my brain... waduh2... owh, add this other problem as well... Me SICK!!! i hate sick... im bloated, i burp, i do stuffs where i dont usually do... trust me, explaining dis things mite make u sick as well... if only there werent any finals... i would do what i do best... enjoy my BEAUTY SLEEP!!!! hahaha...

Other than these, life is okay for me... not so good and not so bad... which is rare for me ofcourse... usually is bad gone worst... hehehe... i do miss my relatives here and there... most of them aint here in this world anymore... they brighten up my life with the perfect fusion of WISDOM and SARCASM... hahaha... guess its genetics in my blood... Born as a genius with a sharp tongue to lazer anyone down... muahahaha... dats all for now... wish me luck 4 exam...


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